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Naaman Omar \ apaimages

End genocide

In solidarity with Gaza

SOMO, the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations, investigates the impacts and enablers of unjustified corporate power. Independent, factual, and critical, we have a clear goal – a fair and sustainable world in which public interests outweigh corporate interests.

Since our establishment in 1973, we have been dedicated to reshaping the economic framework by restraining corporate power and championing social equity.

Headquartered in Amsterdam, we work with hundreds of organisations worldwide, acting as a knowledge, research and communications hub.


Redefining monopoly power

In four long reads, we unravel the complex ties between corporate concentration and power, focusing on key aspects: the power to extract profits, the power to distribute profits, the power to profit without producing, and the power to extract value from a value chain. Throughout this series, we also explore the efforts that challenge monopoly power on the national and international levels.

Issues we work on

Within the framework of our five-year strategy and our mission to overhaul the economy to prioritise human rights and ecological sustainability over profits, our efforts are centered around a few key critical issues.

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