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Research on Supply Chain in the Tea Sector in Indonesia

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Geschreven door: V.R. Kustanti
Geschreven door: T. Widiyanti
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Indonesia is tea fifth largest tea producer in tea world, after India, China, Sri Lanka and Kenya, with 65% of tea product for towards export. The large export volume, however, has little impact on welfare of tea plantation workers and smallholders. The majority of growers are oriented more to domestic market of green and jasmine tea, while export is dominated by large plantation, both state and private. Many researches come to the conclusion that growers are put under the pressure to sell fresh leaf to collectors and processing factories for low prices which can not cover the production cost before tea leaves wither and the quality drops.



Geplaatst in categorie:
Geschreven door:
Geschreven door: V.R. Kustanti
Geschreven door: T. Widiyanti
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