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Indian Tea Research

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Geschreven door: S.M. Kadavil
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World tea production reached 3523 million kilograms in 2006and China, with 28.9 per cent share of the total world tea production, dominates the market. India was the market leader at the international level with regard to production and consumption till 2005. At present, India is the second largest producer of tea in the world, and produces around 955.9 million kilograms of tea, accounting for 27.1 per cent of tea produced worldwide. The tea industry accounts for the employment of more than 2 million people in India. It occupies an important role in the Indian economy not only due to its capacity to earn foreign exchange, but also because it impacts the livelihoods of scores of people employed directly and indirectly by the industry.


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Geschreven door: S.M. Kadavil
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