OECD Watch Fact Sheet 1: Making Use of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
The OECD Guidelines and Socially Responsible Investment
This introductory fact sheet, the first in a series of four, explains how the SRI community can use the OECD Guidelines. It outlines how the OECD Guidelines fit into the larger CSR normative framework, vis-à-vis other internationally-agreed guidelines and instruments. The OECD Guidelines are a unique instrument in the CSR domain. On the one hand, they are voluntary for companies, yet they reflect endorsing governments’ expectations and complaints can be submitted to “National Contact Points” (NCPs) for alleged breaches. Complaints alleging violations of the Guidelines, as well as corporate responses to these complaints, can serve as a useful indicator of concerns surrounding corporate practices.
OECD Watch
European Sustainable and Responsible Investment Forum
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
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