OECD Watch Fact Sheet 4: Assessing Adherence to the OECD Guidelines’ Supply Chain Provision
The OECD Guidelines and Socially Responsible Investment
The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are recommendations addressed by governments to multinational enterprises that cover a broad range of corporate activities. This fact sheet, the fourth in a series of four, focuses on the Guidelines’ provision on supply chain responsibility. Regardless of sector, following standards of good practice throughout supply chains is recognised to be one of the most important and challenging issues for multinational corporations that are serious about CSR. Assessing such efforts is equally challenging for the SRI community. This fact sheet explains the content and relevance of the OECD Guidelines provision on supply chains to the assessment of corporate practices, proposing a more comprehensive understanding of supply chain responsibility. Key questions are presented to assist SRI rating agencies and analysts in evaluating companies’ behaviour in relation to the supply chain provision recommendation.
OECD Watch
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