Quick Scan Get NV
In this Quick Scan, the CSR policies and practices of the GET NV will be analyzed. The Quick Scan has been commissioned by Oxfam Novib. These are the main questions: · What are the main CSR issues relevant to GET NV? · What are the risks of GET NV being directly or indirectly associated with/or involved in these CSR issues? · Has GET NVbeen the subject of any negative publicity with regard to its CSR policies and practices? · Does GET NV have a code of conduct? Is GET NV involved in CSR (multi-stakeholder or sectorial) initiatives? · How can GET NV’s CSR policies and the implementation of these policies be assessed? The information in this Quick Scan was obtained from websites, international press and databases. The report was sent to the company for comment and to allow for correction of factual mistakes before publication. An employee of SOMO is currently on the advisory council of the foundation. SOMO nevertheless is confident that this fact has not influenced the screening of the company in any way: the position was accepted before this Quick Scan was commissioned and as to date the board has not had its first meeting yet.
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