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Access to remedy

Grievance mechanisms offer a means of access to remedy for people who have suffered business-related human rights violations, such as labour right violations, displacement, or destruction of sources of livelihood. Access to remedy is essential because it can mitigate the damage suffered and deter future violations. SOMO supports workers, communities, individuals and civil society organisations in filing complaints usingĀ grievance mechanisms, with a particular focus on the National Contact Points for the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD Guidelines) and the independent accountability mechanisms of international development finance institutions. Based on our experiences in using these mechanisms, we evaluate their functioning. We advocate for improved accessibility for complainants and greater effectiveness in providing remedy. We also collaborate and coordinate with experts in other types of grievance mechanisms, both judicial and non-judicial, with the view of strengthening and transforming the overall system of remedy for victims of business-related human rights abuse. We host OECD Watch, an international network aimed at improving the policies and activities of the OECD's Investment Committee and the effectiveness of the National Contact Points for the OECD Guidelines.

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