Corporate accountability and regulation
Corporations are responsible and should be held accountable for the impact of their business activities on people, societies and the environment. A growing number of initiatives and standards try to stimulate corporate accountability, from corporate codes of conduct and certification schemes to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. SOMO evaluates the effectiveness of these initiatives by examining the degree to which they actually contribute to responsible corporate behaviour, corporate accountability, and access to remedy. Our conclusion – based on more than thirty years of research on corporate accountability – is that voluntary initiatives and guidelines fall short. Firm measures are needed to ensure that businesses respect human rights, labour rights, and the environment, and that victims of abuse obtain the remedy they deserve. For this reason SOMO advocates for binding enforceable regulations and laws, effective judicial and non-judicial grievance mechanisms, and a strengthened international legal framework to protect human rights in the context of business operations.
Overview of articles
Sanne van der WalPosted in category:PublicationSanne van der Wal
R. KnottnerusPosted in category:PublicationR. Knottnerus
Myriam Vander StichelePosted in category:PublicationMyriam Vander Stichele
Sanne van der WalPosted in category:PublicationSanne van der Wal
Playing with Labour Rights Published on:P. PöyhönenPosted in category:PublicationP. Pöyhönen
T. SteinwegPosted in category:PublicationT. Steinweg
Roos van OsPosted in category:PublicationRoos van Os
B. SlobPosted in category:PublicationB. Slob
OECD Watch Quarterly Case Update Autumn 2008 Published on:Posted in category:Publication
Corporate Social Responsibility: Whose Voice is Heard? Published on:Posted in category:Publication
OECD Watch Quarterly Case Update Summer 2008 Published on:Joseph Wilde-RamsingPosted in category:PublicationJoseph Wilde-Ramsing
High Tech – No Rights? Published on:Chan, JennyPosted in category:PublicationChan, Jenny
Tug of war on slippery ice Published on:Ronald GijsbertsenPosted in category:PublicationRonald Gijsbertsen
F. WeyzigPosted in category:PublicationF. Weyzig
OECD Watch Newsletter April 2008 Published on:Posted in category:Publication
OECD Watch Quarterly Case Update Spring 2008 Published on:Posted in category:Publication
Examples of unethical trials Published on:Irene SchipperPosted in category:PublicationIrene Schipper
Een bittere pil Published on:K. VissersPosted in category:PublicationK. Vissers