Financial sector
The practices of banks, private equity funds, insurers and other financial actors may seem complex and elusive. Yet they profoundly affect people’s lives and the global economy. And not just during periods of crisis. Inequality, poverty eradication, jobs, housing and even climate change are all related to how the financial sector functions and is regulated. The lack of proper oversight, prudent regulation, and transparency in the sector continues to put the economy, people and societies at unnecessary risk. SOMO examines how the financial sector functions and analyses the social and environmental effects of financial sector practices, rules and legislation, and the way in which decisions about the sector are made. We advocate for a new financial system that is not only financially stable, but also enables societies and economies to develop in an equitable, inclusive, and environmentally sustainable way.
Overview of articles
Madhyam and SOMO are working together on global financial reformPosted in category:NewsPublished on:
The reform of Europe’s financial sector is only halfway therePosted in category:NewsPublished on:
Candidates for EU Parliament oppose excessive corporate lobbyingPosted in category:NewsPublished on:
Alternative Trade Mandate: A new vision for the EU’s trade and investment policiesPosted in category:NewsPublished on:
SOMO shifts Dutch banks towards more transparency on their lobbying activitiesPosted in category:NewsPublished on:
Giving with one hand and taking with the other – CSOs urge European leaders to take further action against tax dodgingPosted in category:NewsPublished on:
Taking Lobbying Public Published on:Indra RömgensPosted in category:PublicationIndra Römgens
Large number of Portuguese multinationals shift activities to the Netherlands to avoid taxesPosted in category:NewsPublished on:
The Netherlands misses chance for effective measures against food speculationPosted in category:NewsPublished on:
Private gain, public loss (executive summary) Published on:Roos van OsPosted in category:PublicationRoos van Os
EU ministers leave the door open for harmful food speculationPosted in category:NewsPublished on:
Balancing Trade and Aid Published on:Posted in category:Publication
Dutch banking sector distorted by billions of euros of subsidyPosted in category:NewsPublished on: