Pharmaceutical industry
The total control of drug development by pharmaceutical companies is both problematic and unsustainable. Pharmaceutical companies are often more concerned about profits than public health priorities or corporate accountability. As a result, key health priorities are neglected and people lack access to the medicine they need. Companies engage in harmful and unethical research practices, and irresponsible marketing practices. SOMO researches the policies and practices around pharmaceutical drug development, with a particular focus on the ethics of drug testing in low and middle income countries. Clinical trials in these countries often involve vulnerable people, raising serious ethical questions. We push pharmaceutical companies to act with due diligence in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in relation to peoples’ participation in clinical trials, as well as Post-Trial Access (PTA) to medicine.
Overview of articles
Posted in category:Publication
Ethics and quality of drug testing in low income countries subject to additional pressure through outsourcingPosted in category:NewsPublished on:
Putting Contract Research Organisations on the Radar Published on:Irene SchipperPosted in category:PublicationIrene Schipper
Debate and publications on medicine testing in poor countriesPosted in category:NewsPublished on:
Ethical concerns in clinical trials in India Published on:S. SrinivasanPosted in category:PublicationS. Srinivasan
Report: ‘European supervision of medicine tests in developing countries could be better’Posted in category:NewsPublished on:
Clinical Trials in Developing Countries Published on:Irene SchipperPosted in category:PublicationIrene Schipper
Experimental breast cancer drug unethically tested on Indian womenPosted in category:NewsPublished on:
Irene SchipperPosted in category:PublicationIrene Schipper
Examples of unethical trials Published on:Irene SchipperPosted in category:PublicationIrene Schipper
Een bittere pil Published on:K. VissersPosted in category:PublicationK. Vissers
Clinical trials in Kenya Published on:V. PatelPosted in category:PublicationV. Patel
Roll Back Malaria Partnership Published on:F. WeyzigPosted in category:PublicationF. Weyzig