Three million signatures against TTIP
The citizen’s initiative Stop TTIP and other CSOs will today present over 3 million signatures against TTIP to the European Commission. Never before have so many citizens signed a public petition in Europe.
The three million signatories urge the European Commission to suspend the negotiations on the trade agreement (TTIP) with the United States and to not ratify the trade agreement with Canada (CETA). They are very worried about crucial provisions in both treaties, like the threatened standards for labour, the environment, privacy and consumer rights. Also, both treaties are not transparent and undemocratic, and undermine the rule of law. Large companies will benefit from the treaty, to the detriment of the citizens.
On offering the signatures Susan Cohen Jehoram (Greenpeace) will urge European Commissioner Cecilia Malmström for a response: “Negotiations on TTIP and ratification of CETA must be shut down. A call from so many citizens can not be disregarded by the Commission”.
Dutch signatures
This afternoon at 17.00 in The Hague, the Dutch 100 000 signatures will be submitted to Minister Ploumen and the spokespeople of the political parties. This is done in the presence of a huge Trojan horse, which symbolizes the CETA trade agreements and TTIP: they seem like a nice gift, but are in fact the contrary.
Civil society organizations call on Ploumen to take the 100,000 Dutch and three million European signatures seriously, and urge her fellow ministers of trade and the European Commission to cease negotiations on TTIP and to not ratify CETA. After the presentation of the Dutch signatures, the Dutch parliament will discuss the trade agreements with the minister.
Demonstration October 10
On Saturday 10 October there is a national demonstration against TTIP(opens in new window) in Amsterdam. The demonstration starts at 13.00 at the Jonas Daniel Meijer Square and ends at the Museumplein. Then there is a follow-up programme with workshops from 15:30 to 18:00 at Lab111, Arie Biemondstraat 111. More information about the demonstrations and workshops is available at in new window) .
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