Voices from the inside
Local views on mining reform in Eastern DR Congo
The consumer electronics industry utilises a significant proportion of the global supply of several metals that are essential parts of mobile phones, computers and game consoles. One of the most serious sustainability issues is where minerals are extracted from conflict areas such as Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Recently, numerous efforts and initiatives ranging from legislation to certifi cation have focused on the link between confl ict and the mineral trade from Eastern DRC. Despite the fact that all such initiatives aim to end the mineral trade funding armed groups in Eastern DRC, there is growing concern that there is a boycott in practice on minerals from Eastern DRC, which may lead to worse consequences for the people on ground. This report especially wants to channel local voices from the concerned people and civil society in Eastern DRC. The makeITfair project sees it as crucial that the views and suggestions of those most dependent on mining and aff ected by insecurity in Eastern DRC are taken into account when corporate decisions on this issue are taken.
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